Cheesy Bacon Onion Mashers

Bacon, cheese, potatoes and onions? That’s pure comfort food.
Cheesy Bacon Onion Mashers

At home:

Pack the dry ingredients in a quart freezer or sandwich bag. Pack the bacon separately.

FBC method:

Add the bacon and 1½ cups near boiling water to the bag. Stir well, seal bag tightly and knead till combined. Let sit till cool enough to eat.

Insulated mug method:

Add the bacon and dry ingredients to your mug. Pour in 1½ cups boiling water and stir well. Cover tightly and let sit till cool enough to eat.

One pot method:

Bring 1½ cups water to a boil in your pot. Turn off the stove, add in the bacon and dry ingredients. Stir well, let sit till cool enough to eat.

Serves 1.
This was a recipe we did often at trail cooking presentations. It is easy and quick to make.
If you like a stiffer mashed potato, use 1¼ cups water.