Creole Albacore

Creole Albacore
  • 2 cups instant rice
  • 2 Tbsp diced dried bell pepper
  • 1 tsp diced dried onion
  • 1/8 tsp dried garlic
  • 1/8 tsp ground black pepper
  • ¼ tsp mesquite seasoning blend
  • 1 packet spaghetti sauce mix powder
  • 1 pouch 3-ounces albacore tuna fillets
  • 1 packet soy sauce
  • 1 packet lemon juice or 1 packet true lemon powder
  • 1 packet hot sauce

At home pack the rice in a quart freezer bag. Pack the seasonings and spices in a second quart freezer bag, packing the tuna and sauce packets with the bags.

FBC Hybrid method:

Add the liquid packets to the second freezer bag of dry spices and ½ cup very hot water mixing well. Add tuna to sauce.

Seal bag tightly and place in cozy.

Meanwhile, add 2 cups near boiling water to rice bag. Seal tightly and put in cozy for 15 minutes.

Divide fish, sauce and rice between the two bags and enjoy!

Serves 2.